TallyPrime - Confirmation of Accounts Statement

How to Print and issue Confirmation of Accounts Statement to your Creditors and Debtors ?

One can follow the below mentioned example steps when confirmation of Party Accounts are required.

Example :

Maa Electricals Pvt. Ltd, Puri requests Confirmation of Accounts from M/s.Trimurthy Traders, Cuttack for the F.Y-2021-22.

Here Maa Electricals Pvt.Ltd, Puri is a Debtor for M/s.Trimurthy Traders, Cuttack and

M/s.Trimurthy Traders, Cuttack is a Creditor for Maa Electricals Pvt.Ltd, Puri.

In this case M/s.Trimurthy Traders have to issue Confirmation of Accounts Statement to Maa Electricals Pvt.Ltd.

In the Books of M/s. Trimurthy Traders, Cuttack

On Gateway of Tally Screen

Press 'D' or click on 'Display More Reports'

Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime
Press 'A' or click on 'Account Books' 
Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime

Press 'L' or click on 'Ledger'

Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime

Select or write 'Maa Electricals Pvt.Ltd' on 'Name of Ledger' Bar and Press 'Enter'
Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime
 Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime

Press 'F2' or click on 'F2:Period' to display statement for the required period.

And enter the period start date and end date.

Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime

Press 'Alt+P' or click on 'P: Print' 

Select and press 'Enter' on 'CuRrent     Ctrl+P' or only press 'Ctrl+P'

Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime

Select and Press 'Enter' on 'C: Configure' 
Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime

Select and Press 'Enter' on 'Report Type    Ledger Accounts'
Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime
Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime
If you want to print or view Narration in Report, Select 'Yes' for 'Show Narration'

Press 'Esc' Key

Select and Press 'Enter' on 'I:Preview' 

Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime
Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime
Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime

Press 'Alt+Z' for Zoom or Larger View.

Confirmation of Accounts in TallyPrime

Press 'Alt+P' or click on 'Print' to Print Document.
